On the nineteenth of January 2023, Amalgamated Security once more sponsored the St. Anthony’s College Annual Achievement Awards Ceremony. It was a day of excellence, where the College’s top performers were awarded and recognized for their academic achievements, as well as their accomplishments in sports, music and performing arts. The annual event is geared at helping the young men of the college gain academic and extracurricular success.
Due to COVID-19, the event could not be held for a while and therefore the 2023 Ceremony encompassed achievements throughout the years 2020 to 2022.
Amalgamated Security’s Chairman, Dr. Michael Aboud (Hon.), also being the Chairperson of the St. Anthony’s College Advisory Board, used his congratulatory message to reassure all the awardees that he looks forward to hearing about this special group as they will navigate their individual journeys through the corridors of St. Anthony’s College and he also placed emphasis on his full confidence that with continued hard work, this group of young men will eventually fulfil their dreams. He did not forget to encourage those students who didn’t make it onto the stage this time, to continue their efforts and to be guided by the benefits of virtues and discipline in their lives, so that one day they also will achieve the goals they are striving for.

YEAR 2021-2022
Good evening members from the Ministry of Educations, Sac advisory committee members, parents, college staff special invited guest and most important the awardees our students who have performed admirable especial during these difficult and challenging covid periods spanning over a two-year cycle.
It is with great admiration that today I extend a heartful thank you to all our teachers and parents inclusive of all the support groups and individuals who have made these difficult times seem seamless in its transition in the way they had to deliver on the curriculum in most cases virtual with the sporadic in person sessions.
As the chairman of the SAC Advisory committee, and a member of the Alumni graduating class of 1976 I would also like to extend a congratulatory message of well done to all the successful awardees on behalf of I and its serving members and this is a huge step toward your future. I have confidence that with continued hard work each of you will fulfil your dreams and I look forward to hearing about each of you as you navigate your individual journey through the corridors of our college.
Class of 2021 and 2022, you completed your school year in the midst of a global pandemic. No doubt your life was disrupted. No doubt there was added stress. No doubt there was uncertainty. Despite these challenges, or more accurately because of them, you are stronger. You are a stronger student having tested yourself and a stronger person finding the ingenuity and resolution you did not know you had.
It should be apparent for those of us in the audience that Amalgamated Security is the proud sponsor of this special annual awards event, and we are happy to do so as it celebrates excellence in varying spheres of Academia, Sports, Music and Culture and Commitments by the student body and teachers …. not only at the form level, but also at CSEC and CAPE inclusive of the principal’s award and recognition of the student who has best exhibited the Spirit and Ideals of St. Anthony’s College covered by the Paul Borely Award.
For those students not achieving the stage today I encourage you to keep working had as hard and consistent work pays off . keep your children in sight at all times and give them the support they need guided by the benefits of structure , the benefits of virtues and discipline in their lives.
In closing let’s put our hands together in recognition of the excellent work performed by the students and Teachers as well as the good work performed by the PTA and the Alumni and thank the almighty for his continued protection and oversight of our college and its stakeholders.
I look forward to a better 2023 filled with new prospects and achievements for us.
Thank You