At the end of December 2020, Amalgamated Security Services Ltd. co-sponsored La Ciudad de Brazil Christmas Society’s Annual Children’s Christmas event which was themed “Christmas Cheer amid Covid-19.” The La Ciudad de Brazil Christmas Society is an NGO (Non-Governmental Organization) that is committed to promoting literacy, good values, and a love for community and country which are all an excellent foundation that Amalgamated Security Services as a corporate citizen cares about.
Due to the Covid-19 Global Pandemic, this year’s Christmas event was not be held at the San Raphael Community Centre. Instead, a core team of volunteers distributed books, toys, and, snack bags to the children in the area. Everything was done in accordance with the Covid-19 protocols such as mask-wearing, social distancing, and continuous sanitization.
Prizes were distributed for coloring, reading, singing and other talents. Moreover, it is a clever approach to boost the love for reading and to further promote and develop literacy in the community. Also included this year were two new prizes; the Nelson Mandela Book Prize and the Dana Seetahal Book Prize. Annually this event caters to over 100 children from San Rafael, Brazil, Las Lomas, Talparo, and La Hoquetta district.