The Police Service Commission will once again conduct its annual Public Trust, Confidence, and Satisfaction Survey of the Trinidad and Tobago Police Service from Wednesday, 14 October to Wednesday, 4 November 2020. The survey is an important component in achieving the Commission’s constitutional mandate of monitoring the efficiency and effectiveness of the discharge of the functions of the Commissioner of Police and Deputy Commissioners of Police and can be found via the following web link: https://forms.office.com/Pages/ResponsePage.aspx?id=DQSIkWdsW0yxEjajBLZtrQAAAAAAAAAAAAO__TLMB0xUOFRZVzdPV1pIMlpNR1ZKTlcwV1QyWjI1Ri4u
It should take about six (6) minutes to complete this survey and all responses are private and confidential. No unauthorized persons, including any member of the Trinidad & Tobago Police Service, will know your individual response.
You may share this survey by electronic mail, social media (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram), or WhatsApp to your stakeholders.
Your support of this initiative will make a difference!