Amalgamated Security Services Limited achieves Triple World Class Certification
Amalgamated Security Services Limited achieves Triple World Class Certification
Amalgamated Security Services Limited (ASSL) – Trinidad and Tobago successfully completed Stage 1 and 2 audits conducted by MSS Global and achieved triple world class certification in ISO 9001, ISO 18788 and PSC-1 on the 26th February, 2019 for a three (3) year period.
ASSL integrated the principles promoted by ISO 9001:2015, ISO 18788:2015 and ANSI/ASIS PSC-1:2022 within the company’s operations which included its eight (8) business units; Guard Service, Electronic Security & Integrated Systems, Prisoner Transport Division, Archangel Ambulance, Firearms and Cash Management, Central Monitoring Station, Investigative Unit and Geospatial Technology-Division
ANSI/ASIS PSC.1-2022: is a management standard for quality of private security company operations. The standard seeks to operationalise the International Code of Conduct (ICoC) within a formal structure familiar to businesses. That structure, with national and international supervision, provides auditable procedures for the development of the standard, certification to it, and monitoring of ongoing compliance. It incorporates elements of the Montreux Document.
Amalgamated Security Services Limited (ASSL) achieved Safe To Work (STOW) Re-Certification on 23rd January, 2019 and retained its 100% scoring.
ASSL was assessed by the STOW board at the High risk level and granted STOW TT certification from the year 2013 to present for a fourth consecutive two-year period.
The organization has retained its STOW Certification since inception and has achieved 100% scoring in 2016 & 2018. This certification attests to the Company’s corporate responsibility to fulfil the comprehensive and highly reputed HSE management system criteria.
STOW-TT is a joint initiative of the Energy Chamber of Trinidad and Tobago (ECTT), the Point Lisas Energy Association (PLEA) and the Association of Upstream Operators of Trinidad & Tobago (AUOTT), to prequalify contractors in the energy sector, in a consistent manner. This is achieved through the creation of standardized minimum health, safety and environmental (HSE) requirements for pre-qualifying contractors and an independent system for certifying contractors.
Amalgamated Security Services Limited (ASSL) has been and remains the widely recognised leader in the expanding field of security and public safety services across Trinidad and Tobago, the Caribbean and internationally.
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