Amalgamated Security Services Limited (ASSL)

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2024 Executive Chairman’s Regional Recognition Awards for Public Law Enforcement Speech – Belize

Good evening,

And welcome to our Regional Law Enforcement Awards function in recognition of service in Excellence sponsored in whole by ASSL.

Allow me currently to recognize in our presence. All government officials and dignitaries from Belize. Our hosting Commissioner Mr Chester Williams. Other Caribbean Commissioners of Police and their families. Fellow members of the Association of Caribbean Commissioners of Police and its Secretariat. The Directors and Executives of ASSL and their Partners. Other distinguished and special invited guests including those watching during our regional live broadcast, The media And last but by no means least our selected Awardees from twenty-five jurisdictions within the Caribbean Basin.

This would make it our tenth Annual Recognition Awards function to date for Public Law Enforcement Officers 2023 which is presented during the yearly deliberations of the ACCP at its Annual General Meeting and Conference this year being in, Belize City, Belize.

These recognition awards are based on service in excellence

“Recognizing the very best of the best”

And for the benefit of those who are not familiar with these awards, it done yearly

It is a collaboration between Amalgamated security and the Association of Caribbean commissioners of police to recognize the top Law Enforcement officers in the region in three specific categories

  • Best Crime fighter
  • Best Community Police Officer and
  • The Police Officer having the Best Career Development Move

The objective is to

  • Encourage and recognize good policing efforts by Law Enforcement Officers,
  • Give them regional recognition
  • Encourage others to excel and
  • To foster the relationship between private and public law enforcement as we strive at reducing crime in a common domain.   

The process takes the form of

  1. The awardees are selected by their Police Commissioners through their local systems
  2. The top selected candidate from each jurisdiction is submitted to the secretariat by category
  3. The independent panel of judges review and vote on the final selection and pronounce the winners which is communicated through the ACCP.   

Having outlined the initiative, I would like to take this opportunity at this time to thank the secretariat and its  Board of directors and in particular …….Marcia , and

Our distinguished panel of judges for their voluntary service, and their deliberations at arriving on the final selections……so …thank  you again !!! and to our Host Nation the Government of Belize and in particular its Commissioner of Police Mr Chester Williams and his appointed liaison  officer  ACP Mrs. Sandra Bowen for all the support and facilitation  which  allowed us this opportunity at having this very auspicious event

It is important for me to take a moment to discuss what it truly means to stand out among your colleagues in service to your country, and to recognize the impact of fellow service members. While we commend those who excel, let us not forget the significant role played by other dedicated members and partnerships in shaping the fight against crime in our region. With that in mind, I want to extend my sincere appreciation to all officers in the region and their partners who tirelessly combat crime and its manifestations.

I wish to underscore the imperative of safeguarding our communities through collective insight. By uniting resolutely, even amidst the most challenging circumstances, we can navigate a course towards prevailing over and even eradicating crime.

In acknowledging the awardees, whose dedication exceeds standard duty, whose personal and familial sacrifices are evident as they commit to this noble cause… for the betterment of humanity.

Let us extend our heartfelt gratitude and appreciation to these honourees, recognizing their exceptional service, and expressing profound thanks for their unwavering commitment, as they diligently strive to create safer communities by courageously confronting the pervasive challenge of crime, Aristotle once said “We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.”

Now that I have covered the pleasantries, I will hand over to the master of ceremony to proceed with the main event the actual awards.

An event that has already demonstrated a positive impact from the feedback it has generated over the years

Thank you once again

      And please do enjoy the rest of the evening

                 And have a safe return trip 

                           To your home destinations

And may God bless you and keep you safe.

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