The Trinidad and Tobago Cadet Force is a Voluntary Youth Organization that acquires its membership from secondary schools. The main objective of the Cadet Force is to train and inspire young men and women to be model citizens. Emphasis is placed on instilling in the Cadet qualities such as discipline, loyalty and duty.
The Cadet Force staged its Annual Training Camp (ATC) at San Juan North Secondary School during the period 12th July to 21st July 2018.
On Thursday 19th July, 2018 the camp hosted the Chief of Defence Staff (CDS) Luncheon and tour of the camp. The CDS who himself was unavailable was admirably represented by the Commanding Officer of the T&T Regiment, Colonel Darnley Wyke. Other dignitaries in attendance were Colonel Kester Weeks – Military Liaison Officer (MLO) at the Ministry of National Security and the Deputy Permanent Secretary in the Ministry of National Security Ms Maria Joseph who brought greetings on behalf of the Ministry of National Security. The Principal of San Juan North Secondary School, Mr. Fraser was also part of the head table.
The objective of Annual Training Camp is to afford cadets a stimulating combination of training and holiday by carrying out higher levels of training that are not normally possible during the academic school term. By way of personal development it affords the young adults’ males and females every opportunity to further develop self esteem, discipline and powers of leadership under field conditions. Organized compulsory sports and physical training is also an integral part of their holistic development at Annual Camp. Towards the fostering of Team spirit – Annual Camp is also an opportunity for the Infantry, Naval, Aviation, Medical, Messing and Band Units of the Force to come together under one programme of training.
The Master of Ceremonies for the event was Captain Grantly Dick from the Ministry of National Security. This year at the luncheon three outstanding citizens were honoured for their historical contribution to the Cadet Force. One such person was Mr. Gregory A. Jack who was a former Company Sergeant Major (CSM) at Tranquility Government Secondary School and Adult Warrant Officer (AWO) attached to the Training Wing. Mr. Jack having served the Cadet Force well during his era was identified as one of the many outstanding National Mentors based on his decades of achievements by way of selfless service. He has invaluably contributed to the Cadet Force as well as other Agencies in the sphere of personnel development for well over two decades in the Public Sector at the Trinidad and Tobago Prison Service and a further two decades in the Private Sector at Amalgamated Security Services Limited where he is presently the Chief Administrative Officer (CAO) in charge of the Prisoner Transport Division – Justice On Time. Mr. Jack is also internationally acclaimed as a Certified Protection Professional (CPP) under the American Society for Industrial Security (ASIS). Such a designation is considered as the “gold standard” of certification for security management professionals. His nomination was championed by the Cadet Force Officer attached to the Ministry of National Security. In recognition he received The Trinidad and Tobago Cadet Force 100 Years Regalia Medal. As well as this Country’s National Fiftieth Anniversary of Independence Medals. Part of the guest witnessing the presentation was his wife Mrs. Alisha Mohammed-Jack.
Since this presentation a meeting was held with the Chairman of ASSL – Dr. Michael Aboud who proposed an offer to members of the Cadet Force that are desirous of seeking employment inclusive of better employment opportunities towards upward career mobility. At such interaction the Force identified that there are many Cadets who have achieved academic qualifications at Secondary and Tertiary levels in various fields that are in need of such opportunities. Major R. Luces identified that this partnership offer was the only one of its kind ever presented by an arm of the Private Sector during his period of service.
Sincere thanks and appreciation was indeed extended on behalf of the Commanding Officer,
Lt. Colonel Ellis W. G. Robinson, Senior Officers and General Membership of the Trinidad and Tobago Cadet Force.